Monday, 11 April 2011

Dignity Pet Crematorium - how to find a genuine pet cremation service

Choosing an individual pet cremation service provider

One concern for many pet owners is the worry of whether they are using a genuine pet cremation service when the time comes to say goodbye to their much loved family pet.

Owners also need to consider whether to trust their vet.  Sadly, many vets just offer the service provided by the company that removes their clinical waste once a week.  These companies contract the vets and offer lucrative incentives such as the chance to make a huge mark up on the price meaning many vets choose profit over service so beware!

 It is better to do your research and go direct to the pet crematorium of your choice rather than leave your much loved pet at the vet to go into a freezer and be taken away with the vet's clinical waste.

Do your own research to find a genuine pet crematorium

Same day pet cremation services in London
Dignity Pet Crematorium in Hampshire

At Dignity Pet Crematorium we have tried to make clear exactly how each pet is looked after whilst in our care. As well as detailing our pet cremation working practices on our website we give clients the opportunity of leaving independent reviews on websites like Freeindex, where we are ranked 1 out of over 810 pet services and our Dignity Pet Crematorium Facebook site.

Pet Cremation Service approved by trading standards
Our individual pet cremation services are also approved by Hampshire Trading standards "Buy with confidence" scheme.

For more information visit