Friday, 18 November 2011

Individual Pet Cremation: Pet Cremation Services - do you go via your vet or...

Individual Pet Cremation: Pet Cremation Services - do you go via your vet or...: When "that" time comes how many of us have thought about what after death care choices are out there beforehand? Many people only come fac...

Pet Cremation Services - do you go via your vet or to a pet crematorium direct?

When "that" time comes how many of us have thought about what after death care choices are out there beforehand?

Many people only come face to face with that decision at the point of or just after the Euthanasia of their much loved pet.  Nowadays most vets will offer clients the choice of only one company that can either cremate pets individually or en masse.  It may be that the company being used also takes away the vet's clinical waste and does so at the same time (on a weekly basis) as the pets that have died.

This means that your pet will remain in a freezer until the next scheduled collection.  When the van comes they will be taken away at the same time as other pets that have died that week and most likely alongside the practice's clinical waste.  The van will proceed on it's round to other veterinary surgeries in the area before returning to the crematorium.

A standard weekly veterinary collection service

Of course none of this is described to us and we are told our pet will be "looked after"
and be "treated with dignity" but is being put in a bag, into a freezer then
into a van with clinical waste in the least bit dignified?

Another option is to take your pet away for home burial - but what if you move, your garden is too small or if your pet is simply too large to bury? There are pet cemeteries scattered around the country but there is no guarantee that they will close leaving you with the dilemma of whether or not to exhume your pet's remains?

The third option is to do your own research and choose a smaller more local pet crematorium to take your pet to.  Normally if they are a specialist individual pet crematorium (don't forget to ask!) they will also provide a responsive collection service meaning your pet will not need to be put into the vet's freezer.  They also usually handle your pet with a lot more respect and can guarantee a genuine individual pet cremation rather than a diluted version sometimes offered by the larger companies.

Dignity Pet Crematorium only offers individual pet cremation services 
In some instances you can even have your pet cremated the same day and wait for their ashes (this normally attracts an additional fee).  If not then you can normally have their ashes back in a couple of days rather than the couple of weeks if organised through the vet!  The other advantage can be price as some vets make large profits from pet cremation services - but I will save that for another time!

For more information visit or for your nearest APPCC member.

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Pet Cremation Fraud on Fake Britain

Here is the article on Pet Cremation fraud as featured on the BBC1 programme Fake Britain.

Please watch and share with other pet owners who may be interested as it makes the point that pet owners need to find out about the pet crematorium BEFORE needing them as all pet cremation services are different. Although this particular pet crematorium wasn't licensed it illustrates that many people (including veterinary practices) do not know what pet cremation methods are being used by different companies as they vary considerably from genuine individual pet cremation services at properly run pet crematoria such as members of the APPCC (go to for a list of members) to those companies that will cut corners to increase profits.

At Dignity Pet Crematorium we only carry out genuine individual pet cremation services.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Dignity Pet Crematorium - how to find a genuine pet cremation service

Choosing an individual pet cremation service provider

One concern for many pet owners is the worry of whether they are using a genuine pet cremation service when the time comes to say goodbye to their much loved family pet.

Owners also need to consider whether to trust their vet.  Sadly, many vets just offer the service provided by the company that removes their clinical waste once a week.  These companies contract the vets and offer lucrative incentives such as the chance to make a huge mark up on the price meaning many vets choose profit over service so beware!

 It is better to do your research and go direct to the pet crematorium of your choice rather than leave your much loved pet at the vet to go into a freezer and be taken away with the vet's clinical waste.

Do your own research to find a genuine pet crematorium

Same day pet cremation services in London
Dignity Pet Crematorium in Hampshire

At Dignity Pet Crematorium we have tried to make clear exactly how each pet is looked after whilst in our care. As well as detailing our pet cremation working practices on our website we give clients the opportunity of leaving independent reviews on websites like Freeindex, where we are ranked 1 out of over 810 pet services and our Dignity Pet Crematorium Facebook site.

Pet Cremation Service approved by trading standards
Our individual pet cremation services are also approved by Hampshire Trading standards "Buy with confidence" scheme.

For more information visit 

Friday, 18 March 2011

Pet Crematorium Gardens of Remembrance

Dignity Pet Crematorium has two areas where ashes can be placed after individual pet cremation.  Owners can choose our Natural Woodland Area where ashes can be interred and a pet memorial can be used to mark the spot or it can be left natural.  Our more formal gardens of remembrance contain a variety of pet memorials and ashes are interred within a pet casket or pet urn.  Below are a selection of photographs showing our beautiful gardens in spring.  Remembering your pet with a pet memorial is one of the many ways to help cope with pet loss and pet bereavement.

Gardens of Remembrance
Natural Woodland

Our Pet Crematorium and gardens

Natural Woodland